% Option Explicit %> <% If session("LANGUAGE") = "" Then response.Redirect("index.asp") End If ' Dim RS_Files Dim link, id, PictureURL, LAYOUT Dim TotalRecords, FirstRecord, RandomNumber Dim SQL, RS, RS_Layout, RS_Column, RS_Img, RS_Start Dim header, intro, text, artno Dim objRegExp Dim GroupId Dim TodayDate session.LCID = 1053 TodayDate = Date Dim newsRS id = Request.QueryString("id") ' Plocka ut sidans information, bild, namn, styckeid m.m. SQL = "SELECT fld_layout, fld_group_id " &_ "FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_menu WHERE fld_id = " & id & ";" Set RS_Layout = Conn.Execute(SQL) If NOT RS_Layout.EOF Then LAYOUT = RS_Layout("fld_layout") GroupId = RS_Layout("fld_group_id") Else LAYOUT = "LAYOUT" End If If GroupId = "" Then GroupId = 0 End If RS_Layout.Close: Set RS_Layout = Nothing ' Plocka ut speicifik bild för sidan som ska visas SQL = "SELECT " & TBL_PREFIX & "_page_img.fld_url " &_ "FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_page_img INNER JOIN " & TBL_PREFIX & "_menu_" & session("LANGUAGE") &_ " ON " & TBL_PREFIX & "_page_img.fld_img_id = " & TBL_PREFIX & "_menu_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_img_id " &_ "WHERE (((" & TBL_PREFIX & "_menu_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_menu_id)=" & id & "));" Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) If RS.EOF Then PictureURL = "" Else PictureURL = RS("fld_url") End If RS.Close: Set RS = Nothing ' Om sidan är startsidan, slumpa ut en bild från stora bildbanken i variabeln PictureURL ' If Int(FirstRecord) = Int(id) Then If Int(id) = 1 Then SQL = "SELECT * FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_page_img WHERE fld_start = 1;" Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) If NOT RS.EOF Then ' Om servern klarar RecordCount If RS.Supports("&H00002000") Or RS.Supports("&H00004000") Then ' If RS.Supports(adBookmark) Or RS.Supports(adApproxPosition) Then TotalRecords = RS.RecordCount Else ' Om servern krånglar med RecordCount, används detta istället Dim RS_Count SQL = "SELECT COUNT(fld_img_id) AS Count FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_page_img WHERE fld_start = 1;" Set RS_Count = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RS_Count.Open SQL, Conn, 3, 1 TotalRecords = CInt(RS_Count("Count")) RS_Count.Close: Set RS_Count = Nothing End If Randomize() RandomNumber = Int(TotalRecords * Rnd) RS.Move RandomNumber PictureURL = RS("fld_url") End If RS.Close: Set RS = Nothing ' Visa nyheterna ' Access databas ' SQL = "SELECT TOP 2 * FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_news_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ";" ' MySQL databas SQL = "SELECT * FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_news_" & session("LANGUAGE") & " WHERE fld_date <= '" & TodayDate & "' ORDER BY fld_date DESC LIMIT 0, 3;" Set newsRS = Conn.Execute(SQL) End If ' Välj ut styckena som ska visas för specifik sida ' beroende på dagens datum ' Om det är en layout som ska visas ' If LAYOUT = "LAYOUT_1" OR LAYOUT = "LAYOUT_2" OR LAYOUT = "LAYOUT_3" OR LAYOUT = "LAYOUT_4" Then If LAYOUT = "PRODUCT_1" Then SQL = "SELECT A2.* "&_ "FROM ( "&_ "SELECT "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_group_id, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_prod_id, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_layout_3_img.fld_url, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_artno, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_sort, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_name_" & session("LANGUAGE") & " AS fld_name, "&_ "IFNULL(" & TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_desc_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ",'') AS fld_desc, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_active_" & session("LANGUAGE") & " AS fld_active, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_begin, "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_end "&_ "FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_layout_3_img "&_ "RIGHT JOIN " & TBL_PREFIX & "_product "&_ "ON " & TBL_PREFIX & "_layout_3_img.fld_img_id = " & TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_img_id "&_ "WHERE "&_ "( "&_ "( "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_begin <= '" & TodayDate & "' "&_ "OR "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_begin = '' "&_ ") AND "&_ "( "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_end >= '" & TodayDate & "' "&_ "OR "&_ TBL_PREFIX & "_product.fld_end = '' "&_ ") "&_ ") "&_ ") AS A2 "&_ "WHERE ( "&_ "A2.fld_active = 1 AND A2.fld_group_id = "&GroupId&" ) ORDER BY fld_sort ASC;" Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) Else SQL = "SELECT " &_ TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".* " &_ "FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_menu " &_ "INNER JOIN " & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & " " &_ "ON " & TBL_PREFIX & "_menu.fld_id = " & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_menu_id " &_ "WHERE " & TBL_PREFIX & "_menu.fld_id = " & id & " AND "&_ "(( " & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_begin <= '" & TodayDate & "' " &_ "OR " & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_begin = '') "&_ "AND (" & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_end >= '" & TodayDate & "' " &_ "OR " & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_end = '') " &_ ") AND " & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_active = 1 "&_ "ORDER BY " & TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_sort, " &_ TBL_PREFIX & "_section_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_page_id;" Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) End If ' Välj ut information för högerkolumnen för specifik sida SQL = "SELECT " & TBL_PREFIX & "_col_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".*, " & TBL_PREFIX & "_col_img.fld_url " &_ "FROM " & TBL_PREFIX & "_col_img INNER JOIN " & TBL_PREFIX & "_col_" & session("LANGUAGE") & " " &_ "ON " & TBL_PREFIX & "_col_img.fld_img_id = " & TBL_PREFIX & "_col_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_img_id " &_ "WHERE (((" & TBL_PREFIX & "_col_" & session("LANGUAGE") & ".fld_menu_id)=" & id & "));" Set RS_Column = Conn.Execute(SQL) %>
If 1 = 1 Then
%> |
If PictureURL <> "" Then %>
![]() |
<% If LAYOUT = "PRODUCT_1" Then Do Until RS.EOF %> <% RS.MoveNext Loop RS.Close: Set RS = Nothing Else Do Until RS.EOF If RS("fld_layout") = "LAYOUT_1" Then %> <% ElseIf RS("fld_layout") = "LAYOUT_2" Then %> <% ElseIf RS("fld_layout") = "LAYOUT_3" Then %> <% ElseIf RS("fld_layout") = "LAYOUT_4" Then %> <% End If RS.MoveNext Loop RS.Close: Set RS = Nothing End If %> |
<% If id = 1 Then
If NOT (newsRS.EOF AND newsRS.BOF) Then %>
<% Do Until newsRS.EOF %>
', '<%= Translate("News") %>', 700, 500)">
<% End If
End If
Do Until RS_Column.EOF %>
<%= newsRS("fld_date") %>
<%= ChangeTextForDisplay(Left(newsRS("fld_head"), 19)) %>
<%= ChangeTextForDisplay(Left(newsRS("fld_text"), 50)) %>...
<%= Translate("ReadMore") %>
<% newsRS.MoveNext
Loop %>